Our Mission:

To create world-class renewable beachwear, and reverse damage to the environment caused by pollution.

Our Executives

Cody Peterson

Founder and CEO

Born in Florida

Raised in Seminole, Cody has always felt a special connection to nature and the environment. At the age of 5, he expressed that trees were his “favorite thing”. He picked up the sport of beach volleyball at the age of 7, and his love for nature expanded to the sandy coast and warm waters of the gulf. With the support of his father Steven, and his family and friends, Cody established Kona West with a simple plan in mind: To create the next generation of beachwear, and to use a significant portion of the profits made by the company to reverse man-made pollution in oceans around the world.

I've always loved the ocean, I grew up here on the shores of Indian Rocks. I believe powerfully that we can do better than the status quo. With renewable materials, we can create a better and cleaner future, not just for future generations, but for all life on Earth.

Steven Peterson

President and CFO

Florida Resident: 38 Years

Steve was the 2nd of 4 brothers born in Iowa. His parents Bill and Audrey lived on a farm in Clear Lake. Steve and his brothers grew up riding horses, playing in hay lofts, and fishing in small creeks. After being stranded in a blizzard in 1982, he wired his giant home stereo speakers to his ’67 Galaxy 500 Convertible’s A.M. radio and blasted Allman Brothers music all the way down to Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. Since an early age, Steve always aspired to become a marine biologist, so The Sunshine State was a good bet. The rest of the Peterson family soon followed Steve and they all settled within 30 minutes of each other, spanning from Seminole to Dunedin. Around this time, Steve had his only son Cody, and raised him as a single father. He encouraged his son to strive for greatness, and to find a passion for meaningful endeavors. When Cody approached him about founding Kona West, he knew his son had listened to his advice, and Steve signed on immediately.

We often forget that lakes and oceans are their own unique habitats, home to countless animals and marine life. Left alone, they have thrived for eons. Now, trash and pollution are posing a threat to these delicate underwater worlds. It is our responsibility to preserve the beauty and balance of these natural systems. With ingenuity and technology, we can find solutions to the problems that we now face.

Captain Michael Peterson

Vice President

Florida Resident: 45 Years

Michael was the 3rd born of Bill and Audrey’s 4 sons. In 1975, Mike traveled to Jacksonville, Florida to join the United States Naval Air Force. After serving for 6 years, Mike received an honorable discharge from the service. He then obtained his Master Captain’s license and began piloting yachts for clients and taking friends and family out on his own boat. During this time Mike also took up commercial fishing and successfully started his own marine repair business. . He settled down with his wife Debbra and their 2 children, and began coaching beach volleyball. Anyone who knows Mike can say without a doubt that he’s a man that loves his family, his blue waters, his volleyball, and his country.

I've just felt at home on the water ever since the Navy. I've also seen firsthand the impact of ocean garbage and plastics. We talk a lot about ocean animals and sea life, but one aspect of this we can't forget about is developing countries. Lots of people in these coastal towns and cities depend on the ocean to live. This is why we're not just focused on Florida or the United States, but oceans, coastlines, and rivers across the planet.

Richard Slater

Chief Operations Officer

Florida Resident: 31 Years

Originally from Syracuse, New York, Richy visited The Sunshine State in early 1989. Immediately after visiting, he purchased property right on the beach and moved into his new dream home. For the next 3 decades, Richy befriended locals and actively served in his community. It’s hard to find someone from Indian Rocks that hasn’t been positively impacted by Richy’s hard work and generosity.

I fell in love with Florida back in 1989 when I traveled here from Syracuse, New York. The local beaches and water were pristine and beautiful. A lot has changed since '89, and the Florida coast has held up well. Now I'm committed to keeping her waters beautiful, for that next young person to come visit and fall in love. Perhaps they'll never end up leaving, like me.

Colin Treneff

Chief Marketing Officer

Director of Research and Development

Born in Florida

Being born and raised in Clearwater, Florida, Colin always displayed a natural gift for creative works. As early as the age of 7, Colin began devising simple inventions and filming homemade movies. As a child, one of Colin’s favorite destinations was Clearwater Beach. After high school, Colin studied at St. Petersburg College and obtained a degree in digital arts. Eventually he would go on to produce a commercial for SPC. Colin has shown his skill at Kona West, and has done an excellent job capturing and sharing our vision with others.

"I'm a Florida native through and through, and being so close to the coastline has always made me care deeply about our oceans. We can't let our carelessness affect our environment in the way that it does, and I'm confident that we can set a golden standard for others to follow."