Contribute to the development of new technology allowing us to produce more sustainable beachwear, and improve ocean cleanup methods and practices.

Donate directly to our Clean Ocean Fund. 100% of these funds will be used to remove man-made waste from our beaches, coastlines, rivers, and oceans, as well as assist locals that have been negatively impacted by it.

O.R.C.A. Labs is a division of Kona West tasked with coordinating our ocean cleanup efforts, as well as exploring product research and development.

This division has two main goals:

1) To maximize the effective use of resources from the Clean Ocean Fund to ensure the highest amount of “Waste Cleaned Per Dollar” possible.

2) To utilize new technology and designs to allow for the production of more sustainable beachwear, and to accelerate ocean cleanup efforts.

Have an idea for beachwear or ocean cleanup? Share it with us! Your creativity could make a huge difference!

PLEASE NOTE: Always make sure you have proper patents and protections for your ideas or inventions before sharing them with anyone!

The Kona West Clean Ocean Fund is an account held by the O.R.C.A. Labs Division for the sole purpose of funding our ocean cleanup efforts. 100% of each dollar deposited will be used to assist communities and waters that have been impacted by man-made waste and pollution. This includes providing basic living essentials for locals such as food and fresh water, hiring workers to help gather and safely remove trash, providing shelter and accommodations for those workers, purchasing equipment and vehicles to maximize cleanup efficiency, and any other tasks directly related to ocean cleanup.


During our “Planning” stage, we are allowing the fund to grow while we decide on the best strategy to achieve our first main goal: “To ensure the highest amount of waste cleaned per dollar possible.”